Tuesday, October 12, 2010

In Class...

"What makes a blog good?" was the question that Mr.Sen pointed at us, and we came up with some. Then, we were asked to make a "blog rubric". So here's the one that I made with my group mate : Eslin S.

Hope that we will all reach the "excellent" category with our blogs!












The ideas and information are truly engaging, compelling and convincing. The blog is visually appealing and matching colors are present with a catching layout. The visuals and writings are in an excellent harmony.

Generally there are interesting, relevant ideas with few visual elements. The blog is mostly engaging.

The ideas are sometimes irrelevant with few major errors but the blog is overall catching.

No use of visual elements, the blog is frequently flat, the ideas are repetitive and mostly not interesting.

The blog is tedious, including very poor or no ideas. No visual elements.


There is a use of also other resources, the information is rich, highly accurate and precise. Excellent interpretations, point of views and comments are present.

Generally informative, there are no other resources used. There are limited point of views which sometimes include minor errors.

The information is mostly accurate with few major errors about business concepts, theories and models, but the comments are not enough and sometimes wrong.

The business concepts, theories and models are frequently not applied correctly, there are few accurate information, with major errors.

The information is not accurate; there are lots of mistakes and misconceptions about business terms, theories and concepts. There’s no proof of critical thinking.


The rich information and highly interesting ideas contribute to the general idea. Excellent comments, interpretations and opinions which truly affect or add to the audience’s point of view.

Ideas and information are generally related, the resources and examples mostly support the ideas and there are almost no major errors.

The information occasionally justifies the ideas but the resources and examples given are limited and poor, which do not create a truly persuasive effect on the audience.

There is an attempt in persuading and convincing the audience, but the ideas and information are not justified correctly.

The ideas and information are not convincing and mostly wrong. Unrelated/opposing ideas are defended.


Able to captures the interest of future employers. The language used includes the correct utilization of business terms, concepts and theories with excellent interpretations and metaphors.

The business terms, concepts and theories are generally used correctly. The interpretations are mostly logical.

The business terms, concepts and theories are occasionally irrevelant and there are some major business language mistakes.

There is an attempt in using the business terms, but not successfully used. Unable to draw future employers’ attention.

No business terms used or the used ones are mostly wrong. Major errors and misconceptions. The language is simple and not official enough.

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